Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's talk Jalapeño's

Now I'm not entirely sure when I was first introduced to these bite sized pieces of culinary gold but let's just say since the beginning of our relationship, my passion for these babies has burned as hot as the sun itself.

I can eat these things on just about anything, from pizzas to sandwiches or even garnishing my weekly ice-cream sundae.

Hey bacon man, I'm gonna eat your face off!!

 Dear diary..... Wait, what? That's not right.
Today I woke up pretty early which is strange because I went to bed fairly late the night before. Usually I can waste my boring days away by sleeping in till 11 or 12 but today I awoke just before 10 with a feeling of vigour and splendidness that couldn't be quelled.
I decided to actually make breakfast for once. Just a bacon sandwich, nothing too taxing.
Let's take a minute to really appreciate bacon. I mean what makes it so great? Is it the saltiness, the meatyness or the unhealthyness. Possibly all of the above. Something about is just right.

Friday, November 13, 2009

home made pizza and weekends squandered

Again let me apologise for never updating. I think a big part of not updating a whole lot is not knowing weather or not people actually read this thing. I'm mainly updating today to keep Sida happy. Also maybe to keep others happy.
I would really love to know if anyone who isn't a friend of mine is actually reading this. My email address is as follows: bring_your_board@hotmail.com. Feel free to add me on msn or send me an email or whatever.

So tonight for dinner is home made pizza. Inc. cheese, jalepenos, salami and onion. It's in the oven as i type this. Maybe i'll take a pic for you sexy readers. Probably not. Sorry. Not really.

While everyone is out enjoying their hot hot weekend I will be slaving away at my job the whole time. Now when i say "slaving away," I mean not really doing that much. It is a great job for a lazy person.
Sory I have no interesting pics for this post. I'll leave you with something I found the other day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A long weekend full of friendship, love and alcohol fueled midget beatings

Before you get upset there was no actual midget beatings. I'm sorry to lead you on like that. In fact I'm not even sure the term 'midget' is politically correct to begin with. It's been a pretty huge weekend and I must say I'm fairly tired. Since I was required to work until 9 on Friday and work also on Saturday I decided to keep it low key and not drown my sorrows in alcohol fuelled debauchery.
Saturday night was slightly more interesting with it being halloween and all that. It seems, year by year, that halloween is rapidly growing larger and larger. I guess I can see why, I mean why wouldn't you want to dress up and get silly and have fun. That being said i didn't really dress up myself because I'm a lazy shit. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy the festivities. To be fair on myself I did wear a creepy mask.

The beard and long hair weren't actually part of the mask. I stole that from Jesus. Thanks Claudia for providing this photo with terrifying lurker status. 
Sunday was recovery day. Here'a some pics of what 3 bored and hung over guys can accomplish.

This lovely rendering of yours truly was done by a friend of mine. Thanks Boucher.

We spent the night eating pizza which was very delicious. What more could a person ask for. In case you're wondering it was topped with half Americana and half Satay Chicken.
So that was Sunday night. Some other shit happened on Monday night and Tuesday but right now I cannot be bothered typing about it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Attack of the Giant Earwax

Ok this is some next level, kind of gross shit but hey, it's life. So the other day I was cleaning my ears with your standard run of the mill ear bud/cleaner things. Apparently they aren't great to use and can cause damage to your ears. I'm not sure how factual this is but it seems to make sense. I mean, it can't be great to be jabbing around there with a pointy little poker not really knowing what you're doing.
Long story short I pulled the biggest grossest chunk of earwax out of one ear. Normally I think on a scale of dirty to clean, I have pretty good ears. You know how sometimes you are out and about and happen to look inside someone's ear and it's like this fucking disgusting cavern of yellow orange goo. I mean. holy shit don't they ever clean their ears. They are probably partially deaf from having it so full of that shit. 
First thing I thought when i pulled out the earbud was, "Holy shit! This is going in my blog."
So here it is in all it's disgusting glory.

Since You've Been Gooooooooone

I know I know what you're thinking. "Jesus christ Evan, why haven't you been blogging I need my fix?"
Well you can just shut the fuck up right now, ok? Hopefully you can recall the clever title of this blog. What else did you expect? Ok, I'm sorry for telling you to shut the fuck up. I didn't mean it, really I swear.
Well, let's put all of this unpleasantness behind us and start looking forward to some tasty little morsels of bloggy goodness soon to follow.
See you soon
